Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Reason For My Hope: Salvation

"The Reason for My Hope: Salvation" is a book by Billy Graham, published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. In this book, the 95 year old evangelist gives us an in-depth look at the topic of salvation. Consisting of eight simple chapters, "The Reason for My Hope: Salvation" discusses the need for salvation for everyone. 

Billy Graham uses verses from Scripture, combined with a knowledgeable explanation of the verses and meaning, to illustrate his points. Tying in some stories of events in the news, personal antecdotes, and stories from the Bible, Graham makes the case for salvation easily. The book itself is not as long as others, only 185 pages. The topics and way the chapters are broken down into smaller subsections makes it easy to read in many sittings. 

Overall I would give this book a 5/5. Billy Graham uses his many years of pastoral experience to speak right to the heart of man, sharing a message of hope in God. I would recommend this book to anyone - really this is a book that anyone could read and enjoy.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from Booksneeze.com in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Adventure Bible Storybook

"Adventure Bible Storybook" by Catherine DeVries is a children's Bible that retells some of the most popular stories from the Bible. This Bible is also sold with audio CDs that read the text of this storybook so that younger children are able to follow along. The illustrations, by Jim Madsen, are bright and colorful, which will engage young readers.

The book itself does a good job of using age appropriate vocabulary in the stories, and the audio CDs are a fun way to share storytime with children, without always having to be the one reading! I thought that the stories themselves probably could have gone a little more into the details of the stories, but overall this was a great book for my young children.

I would recommend this book for children ages 4-7. The audio CD is perfect for younger children who are in the early stages of reading, as they can easily follow along in the book. This would be a good book for kids who can supplement and fill in those missing details with another children's Bible, or a parent to fill in the missing pieces for them.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookSneeze.com in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

Monday, October 7, 2013

One Year Bible Trivia for Kids

"The One Year Book of Bible Trivia for Kids" by Katrina Cassel is a great way to get your kids interested in learning more about the actual content of the Bible. This devotional style trivia book offers one question for every day of the year. The questions range from easy to more challenging, and would be appropriate for children ages 7 and up, in my opinion. The devotionals are dated, which was the only downside to this book for me. I prefer when devotionals don't actually have a date on them because unless you start on January 1, and don't miss a day of the readings, I feel like I am missing out!

Each devotional poses a multiple choice question about the Bible, then a brief explanation of the answer, explaining the background and context of the Biblical times and the answer. Each devotional also offers a brief piece of advice/wisdom in the "For You" section. The bottom of the page also offers the multiple choice answer to the question posed, as well as Biblical quotes and the exact place where the answer can be found in the Bible.

I thought this would be a wonderful way to get children more motivated to learn more Bible trivia. When posed in this way, the questions are interesting, and I really liked the fact that the answers were on the same page, with reference to where you can find more information in the Bible.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from Tyndale House Publishers as part of the Blogger program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.