Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The New Spirit-Filled Life Bible (New International Version), published by Thomas Nelson is an awesome study bible. There are tons of study tools packed within the text of this traditional translation of the Bible. There are chapter introductions, which are awesome for helping the reader really understand what is going on at the time that each book was written, as well as pertinent information such as the time frame of the writing, and the author of the text. There are tons of little boxes that appear with key terms in them, as well as their definition, to help you get more out of your reading.

There are also plenty of graphics, mostly in the form of maps that also add to your understanding of the geography of Biblical times. I find this especially useful, particularly in the New Testament when we follow Jesus as he travels. This Bible also offers an end of chapter overview, which is unique. This feature uses a chart to highlight the truths that were revealed in the chapter, and also offers up practical examples, and ways to incorporate these truths into daily life.

Overall, I would say that this Bible is a wonderful study tool, and I would highly recommend it to anyone in the market for a study Bible. Lots of extra features to really help you understand the Word. Love this Bible.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookLook Blogger's Program in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bible Stories for His Beautiful Princess - Sheri Rose Shepherd

Sheri Rose Shepherd's newest book, "Bible Stories for His Beautiful Princess" is an adorable book for young girls. This book features many Bible Stories, both Old and New Testament. Within this book, the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den, David and Goliath, Ruth, Moses and the Ten Commandments, Creation, David and his Sheep, Samson all spring to life through Shepherd's brilliant writing, and the accompanying artwork by Shelley Dieterichs.

My own daughter quite often pretends to be a princess, and this book was right up her alley. Really, what makes this storybook a "Princess" storybook is that the end of each story summarizes the Bible story that you just read, with a "Princess Prayer", which is a suggested prayer based on what was just taught in that story. Also featured, is a "Princess Jewel", which is the lesson that the particular Bible story taught. Outside of those two features, this is really just a well put together Bible storybook. I also really liked that each story had a one page summary at the beginning, that helped children understand what they were learning.

I would give this book a 5/5. Highly recommended for all the little princesses out there ages 3 and up. Loved it.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookLook Blogging Program in exchange for my review.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chronological Study Bible

Thomas Nelson's newest addition is the Chronological Study Bible. This Bible is one that I found to be a very useful tool in addition to my regular Bible. The Chronological Study Bible is an NIV version, which is an easy to read translation. This Bible reorganizes the books of the traditional Bible so that they are in chronological order, which makes it easy to read page by page, as if reading a story. The events flow together in a way that is hard to do with a traditional Bible, and I feel that it really does help gel together important events of the Bible.

In addition to this chronological text, this Bible also offers many study features that I also found helpful. First, the beginning of every "epoch" of this Bible offers insight into the time period in which the books were written. This really helps put you into the mindset of the culture and times of the events that are unfolding. I also liked that there are tons of colorful boxes that give you tips, definitions, and additional information about what you are reading. This Bible has a lot more color on the pages than any other Bible I've seen. Images, maps, and informational boxes are plentiful, and I loved this part of this Bible.

Overall, I would give this Bible a 5/5. I think it is a great study tool, and also really helps me comprehend the events of the Bible as they occurred, rather than the way they were written in original texts. I will definitely be using this as a companion to my traditional Bible.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. I was NOT obligated to write a positive review.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Take Flight

"Take Flight! : A Sisterchicks Devotional" by Robin Jones Gunn and Cindy Hannan is a devotional written for women. Be warned: These devotionals are a little bit longer than what most others are, and with my stop and start reading, I felt like I was always forgetting what I was reading, when I'd pick it up again. If these readings had been just a little bit shorter, I think I would have liked it a lot more. Robin and Cindy really spoke to the heart of a woman, though, and their messages were really relevant to what I think a lot of women deal with.

My favorite part of this book was that each devotion ends with the "Take A Closer Look" section that gives offers additional readings, note taking space, and a Bible verse that is relevant to what you just read. Each devotion focuses on one theme, and begins with Robin's part of the devotion, "From Robin's Nest", where she shares a personal story or experience that she ties into a Biblical message. This is followed by Cindy's portion of the devotion, "From Cindy's Perch", which expands on Robin's theme, and sometimes gives another personal story and Biblical wisdom.

Overall I think that the message of each devotion was relevant to the audience. As a woman, I felt like these women were kindred spirits, and I enjoyed their personal stories, and felt as if I was listening to my own friends share life stories. I didn't like that the devotions were long, though. When you have kids, and a crazy house like I do, it's hard to set something down in the middle of a chapter and then remember exactly what you were reading hours (or days) later when you pick it back up. I loved the space for notes, though, and overall I would give this book a 4/5.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BloggingforBooks in exchange for an honest review.