"Being Kind and Caring" is a set of animated stories for children. This DVD contains two stories - "The Hullabaloo at Hunker Hill" and "The Great Go-Kart Race". Both stories contain relevant, easy to understand storylines, featuring adorable animated characters. Each story has an underlying Biblical principle attached to it, such as forgiveness, kindness, and caring. "The Hullabaloo at Hunker Hill" has a message based on Matthew 18:21-22, and "The Great Go-Kart Race" has a message based on Matthew 6:14. I think that this DVD offers an alternative to current mainstream children's programming for parents who want their children to start understanding Christian principles while watching television. My daughter really enjoyed this DVD, and I would recommend it for children ages 3 and up.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received a copy of this DVD for free from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
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