Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Intentional Parenting

"Intentional Parenting" is a book written by Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Trevathan that debunks some of the most common parenting myths, and replaces them with logical and helpful solutions to everyday parenting issues. 

As parents, sometimes we feel like we should have all of the answers - we should be able to handle any situation that comes our way when it comes to our children. But the reality is, sometimes we need a little extra help. This book is a helpful resource in helping parents be more encouraging, patient, and spiritual in their daily lives and interactions with their children.

"Intentional Parenting" encourages parents to be honest, self-aware, and endeavor to be better parents. This book touches on a variety of topics, ranging from being connected and encouraging to being consistent and patient. I found that much of the advice that is in this book was very helpful in helping me to look at my parenting role in a different way. 

Sometimes it is easy to write a child off as just being "difficult", rather than explore the situation and realize that perhaps it is the parent that needs to work with the child to make the situation better. This book encourages, explains, and expands on this idea.

I thought this book was well-written, easy to understand, and offers a lot of encouragement and advice to parents. I would recommend this to any parent.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review. 

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