Laura Sassi's children's book, "Goodnight Ark" is an adorable story filled with beautiful, vivid illustrations courtesy of Jane Chapman. In this adorable story, the animals board the ark, and Noah sets sail. But the animals become scared by all of the noises from the storm!
What happens next is a humorous and lighthearted story of animal by animal piling into Noah's bed. Elephants, boars, snakes, and even skunks join Noah in his room! Eventually Noah finally comforts all of the animals and restores order by singing the animals a lullaby.
I would give this book a 5/5 - the artwork is amazing, bright and colorful; Sassi's story is fun and made my kids laugh out loud. It was fun to imagine what life would have been like living with a boatload of animals! I thought the way that Sassi rhymed the book was cute, and almost made it easier for kids to read on their own.
I would recommend this book to anyone with young children - ages 3 and up, although I think that even younger than 3 would probably enjoy the pictures if they wouldn't sit still for the actual story.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookLookBloggers in exchange for my honest review.
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